10 Ways You're Ruining Movies For Yourself

10. Watching Every Trailer

There's a real irony to trailers. On the one hand we all know they contain much more of the plot that we'd like, but on the other we can't help but pour over their contents as the hype machine for a film builds. Although one trailer contains just enough to hint at events, watching multiple versions can provide enough context to have unwittingly ruined vast swathes of the plot. And it's really hard to not see multiples. First you get a series of fifteen second tweets counting down until the release of the teaser, then the teaser itself, then a proper trailer, followed by several variations that between them give you everything you need to work out even minor beats. Things are so bad we now get trailers actually called 'Final trailers'; there's so many we have to actually be told when it's the last one. Even campaigns that start off enticingly vague can end up giving everything away as we speed towards to release; Guardians Of The Galaxy got everyone hooked on a feeling with their first couple of tone-setting teasers, but as the release approached we were seeing everything laid bare. In some cases it's not your fault in watching them - each cinema visit forces five or more spoiler-fests in front of you - but with the internet so rumour based watching every scrap of info that gets released is incredibly easy. What can you do: After the teaser all you're getting is an increasingly in depth run down of the plot and all the major set pieces spoiled; watch the first trailer then make an effort to avoid the rest.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.