10 Ways Zack Snyder Can Screw Up Superman Batman

8. Not Casting Joseph Gordon-Levitt As Batman

The Dark Knight Rises Zack Snyder announced this weekend that a new actor will be cast as Batman for the movie, and this is hardly surprising at all, given that Christian Bale has made it clear that he has no intention to return to the role, having said and done all that he wanted to in Nolan's exceptional trilogy. Whether that "new actor" is Joseph Gordon-Levitt or not, however, will be a major talking point in the months to come, given how The Dark Knight Rises ends with him inheriting Bruce Wayne's batcave and essentially becoming Batman 2.0. While the whole point of TDKR is that anyone can be Batman, it'd be awfully neat and tidy if Gordon-Levitt were drafted in to play Batman in the new movie, rather than simply deferring to a new actor for us to get used to. The character work for John Blake has already been done, whereas introducing a new actor would simply present another hurdle for the movie to overcome, as if it didn't have a fair share of them already.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.