10 Weird Movie Plot Twists That Just Don't Work

1. Blofeld Is Bond's Adoptive Brother - Spectre

Vanilla Sky Tom Cruise Mask

The Set-Up: Bond (Daniel Craig) is hot on the trail of an ultra-secretive criminal organisation named Spectre, headed up by a man from his past, Franz Oberhauser (Christoph Waltz).

The Twist: Oberhauser is revealed to be Bond's adoptive brother, the young orphan having been taken in by Oberhauser Sr. after the death of Bond's parents. Jealous of Bond for stealing his father's affections, Franz set out to ruin Bond's life, which is ultimately the entire purpose of his gargantuan evil organisation which was also covertly responsible for the adversaries Bond faced off against in the previous 3 films. Also, Franz changed his name to Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Why It Doesn't Work: It's just moronic. Not only does it beggar belief that Blofeld could have been behind literally everything bad that happened to Bond in the Craig years, but for the primary motivation of this global crime syndicate to be the persecution of one lowly spy, all because of some Daddy issues? Pathetic.

And that's not even touching on the pointlessness of revealing Oberhauser as Blofeld in the final act, given the name Blofeld means nothing in the context of the Craig-era timeline. Clearly, Eon Productions learned nothing from the Star Trek Into Darkness/Khan debacle.

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