10 Weird Movie Romances That Made Your Skin Crawl

7. Christopher and Marisa (Maid in Manhattan)

Jennifer Lopez falls in love with Ralph Fiennes. I repeat, Jennifer Lopez falls in love with Ralph Fiennes. Somebody being payed a lot of money in Hollywood thought that was a good idea. Ralph Fiennes is a great actor who has appeared in many fine films (The English Patient, In Bruges, The Constant Gardner, The Reader and most recently Skyfall), whilst J-Lo appeared in Gigli, a strong claimant for the worst film of all time. The whole thing is uncomfortable from beginning to end. Fiennes, bless him, gives it his best, but he has the look of a man who has wondered onto the wrong set, and most of his dialogue induces bouts of cringing. Fiennes has a great range, but he can't do the smiley face without looking inherently psychotic and he's not helped by Lopez, who maintains the same facial expression throughout. These two people are not supposed to be in the same room as each other and the chemistry levels never rise above zero. The main feeling after watching Maid in Manhattan is "What on Earth was that I just watched?", and it has you praying for the apocalypse to arrive.
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