10 Weird Things Left Out Of Comic Book Movies

1. The Many, Many Strange Powers Of Superman

Superman has had as many appearances in cinema as basically every other superhero on this list combined. He's been in black-and-white serials, the seventies Christopher Reeve movies, and the two recent reboots (Superman Returns and Man Of Steel), one more successful than the other. Every piece of Superman media hews pretty closely to the source material since, well, he's a character who has become the closest we have to a modern myth - everybody knows his story. It's passed into pop culture legend. He's the last son of a dying planet sent to Earth as its champion, where the yellow sun gives him a load of boss powers.

He's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and has the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and he has plenty more superpowers besides. There's the laser beam eyes, the super strength, ability to deflect bullets off of his eyeball - they're all pretty faithful to the comics. He's also had a fair share of nuttier abilities in the films, like all that weird stuff at the end of Superman II (peeling off his shield and capturing people with it stands out), and the deus ex-flying-around-the-world-backwards-to-reverse time trick. Still, strange as some of the Man Of Steel's films have been, they sorta pale in comparison to the stuff from the comics they ignored.

It looks like Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is going to be just as grim and po-faced as Man Of Steel, so maybe they'll consider putting in some of these weirder powers Superman has shown in the comics over the years: telekinesis, maybe? Or telepathy? Or the ability to produce copies of himself? Or shapeshifting? Or maybe they should finally bring the big screen adaptation of the 1958 classic "Superman€™s New Power!", where he is suddenly able to fire miniature versions of himself out of his palms for...some reason? Strangely, that one's been left out so far...


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/