10 Weird Things Left Out Of Comic Book Movies

2. X-Men: Days Of Future Past Had No Immortal Shape-Shifting Lesbians

Bryan Singer pretty much single handedly rescue the X-Men movie franchise - after single-handedly dumping it in the toilet by going off with his fancy Superman instead - with this summer's Days Of Future Past, which could easily have been a continuity-heavy reboot in the form of a film, and instead ended up being a lot of fun. There were waterbeds and everything. It also made a lot of geeks happy because it brought to the big screen one of the most iconic, classic comic book storylines starring Marvel's merry band of mutants, a disturbing far-flung dystopia which saw them hunted to the death by the big purple robots called the Sentinels.

It was a sad time for everyone. Wolverine even got vapourised! Which, obviously, didn't happen in the film version. In the comics it's Kitty Pryde who gets sent back in time to change history so stuff doesn't end up so totally boned, whilst in the film, Hugh Jackman's hairy, pointy Logan is the one chosen.

To be honest the Days Of Future Past film has very little in common with the comic, but the biggest (brilliantly) weird thing they left out was the fact that...well, they changed a lot about Mystique but specifically they changed the fact that she was planning to kill some important politician people not with Magneto's help, but with her immortal lesbian life partner Destiny, with whom she shapeshifted to conceive Nightcrawler. Which is bonkers and awesome and, to be honest, we would've blood loved to see in the movies.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/