10 Weird Things Left Out Of Comic Book Movies

4. Green Lantern And His Jailbait Girlfriend

There were many problems with the Green Lantern film. Remember they made a Green Lantern film? Like, semi-recently? C'mon, guys, it only came out in 2011. What are you, goldfish? It might be that the movie was eminently forgettable, or that it was so bad we made a silent collective agreement to block it from our memories, or possibly both of those things, or maybe all three. Look it wasn't very good, basically, despite Ryan Reynolds being pretty perfect casting as cocky jerk Hal Jordan, who also happens to be the member of an intergalactic police force who protect planets from extraterrestrial threats using magic rings which let them conjure up anything they can imagine.

Usually it's guns. They're not very imaginative. The film mostly followed the accepted origin of Hal as a Green Lantern, throwing in the classic Parallax villain storyline for good measure, and the main character was pretty much as he is in the comic books (essentially decent but a bit of a tool).

One thing they left out of Jordan's storied history was the time a 12-year-old Lantern harboured a crush on him, to the point that she artificially aged herself so he could bang her. Which he did. Despite her still, y'know, having the mind of a 12-year-old. We can't imagine why that didn't make the leap to the silver screen, but we do know that it would only have harmed Green Lantern's box office returns. Which you wouldn't think they could manage, eh.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/