10 Weirdest Body Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen

1. Begotten

American Mary
World Artists Home Video

It's hard to describe what 1989's Begotten is. We know that it was directed by E. Elias Merhige, we know that it's in black and white, and we know that it's got no dialogue in it.

Other than that, no clue whatsoever.

The film opens on some sort of mysterious deity, who doesn't stick around for long before cutting himself open with a razor blade. This leads to the creation of Mother Earth and Son of the Earth, a play on the religious creationist theory.

The film is full of religious undertones. Resurrections, betrayals, immaculate conception, it's all there. What it all means though? That's entirely up to you.

Merhige has stated that his only goal with the film was to connect with audiences. It's so ambiguous in its meaning that it could be about a hundred different things to a hundred different people.

In the end, that's what making movies is all about. It's about expanding people's minds, showing them things they've never seen before, and inviting them to come up with their own answers to life's big questions.

And, in the case of Begotten, it's about making them feel a little bit ill along the way.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.