10 Weirdest Body Horror Movies You've Probably Never Seen

9. Fiend Without A Face

American Mary
Amalgamated Productions

1958's Fiend Without a Face is a British independent horror about an invisible being that possesses human brains and spinal chords to use as bodies.

That makes sense, rather than taking over, you know, the body.

Considering that this film was released before The Beatles were formed, it's not exactly terrifying by modern standards. The acting is very stilted, delivered in that way where you wonder if the actors know they're in a film rather than on stage.

As for the special effects, let's just say that there are probably episodes of Paw Patrol more viscerally terrifying than the floating brains used in this movie.

But it's those brains that also give the picture its edge.

Seeing a pretty realistic looking human brain floating through the air, eye stalks and all, must have been quite something back in the day. One reviewer at the time said it had "excessive gore". If only they were around today. They'd have a field day.

It may not seem like much on the surface, but Fiend Without a Face is still worth a watch. If flying black and white brains aren't weird enough for you, then honestly nothing ever will be.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.