10 Weirdest Films In The IMDb Top 250

8. V For Vendetta (No. 146)

Based on the acclaimed graphic novel of the same name, V For Vendetta was met with mostly mixed reviews upon release; it's considered to be something of a cult classic nowadays, which makes it a rather weird entry in the IMDb Top 250. It's not a film you hear much about nowadays, either, and yet this picture - starring Natalie Portman and John Hurt and Hugo Weaving - stands proudly on the list, squashed between Rebecca and Gone Girl. It's a complex film set in a dystopian future, and deals with political issues such as fascism and the right to freedom. As a result, it's bloody strange going (no wonder it was helmed by the Wachowski siblings right off the back of their Matrix films). V For Vendetta is an underrated movie, though; despite the weird nature of its inclusion on the list, it's probably good thing that it's there - it spices things up somewhat and prevents the list from being dull. Having scored just 73% on Rotten Tomatoes, it is, after all, exactly the sort of film you'd imagine not to be on the IMDb Top 250.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.