10 Weirdest Ever Cameos In Batman Movies

4. Thomas Lennon - The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises Thomas Lennon
Warner Bros.

Many were taken aback when comedy actor Thomas Lennon showed up in The Dark Knight Rises as the sarcastic doctor who explains to Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) that he's in terrible physical condition, ending with the memorable sign-off, "l cannot recommend that you go heli-skiing."

Lennon is of course best known for playing Lieutenant Jim Dangle on hit comedy series Reno 911!, and so seeing him show up for a few minutes in Christopher Nolan's trilogy-bookending epic was rather on the jarring side.

But there is a relatively logical explanation for this - Lennon actually played a doctor in Nolan's 2000 classic thriller Memento, so this was clearly a playful nod to that role.

And while Lennon slotted effortlessly into the ensemble in that movie, being an unknown at the time, his profile had blown up huge by the time The Dark Knight Rises released in 2012, so seeing him riffing off Christian Bale was a neat-yet-peculiar viewing experience indeed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.