10 Weirdest Movie Crossovers Ever

2. Jessie James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter

WWE Flintstones Crossover
Embassy Pictures

Monster movie crossovers were everywhere for a while, and with the upcoming Godzilla Vs. Kong there’ll soon be at least one more out there in the wild. While these don’t always make good movies, they make sense in theory, so they don’t really qualify as weird.

Throwing a monster flick and a cowboy movie together though definitely counts, and Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter is as bizarre a take as you can get on an already bonkers concept.

Before you even get the plot under way, the movie fails at its own premise, seeing as it’s actually Doctor Frankenstein’s granddaughter who features. Frankenstein does at least refer to the doctor here, rather than the monster, so that’s something at least.

This granddaughter is Maria, and unlike her complex, misguided grampa, she’s just straight up evil. She’s been kidnapping immigrant children to experiment on, which is a plot point that might have actually been weighty with the right tone.

While Jesse James was quite the gunslinger in real life, on screen here they don’t make the most of it. The plot is basically him trying not to get arrested and Maria experimenting on his partner, Hank. It’s a 30 minute episode stretched over 83 minutes.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)