10 Weirdest Places Horror Movie Characters Were Trapped In

2. Their Family Members - Color Out of Space (2019)

color out of space
RLJE Films

That nobody ever thought of pairing up Nicolas Cage and HP Lovecraft before is a crying shame, but Color Out of Space proves that the pair are a match made in hell - y’know, in a good way.

When a colourful meteorite lands in Nathan Gardner’s (Cage) front garden, he and his family treat it with reverence and caution, but perhaps not quite enough. The strange colour inside seeps into the surrounding farm, infecting flora and fauna alike, mutating them, fusing them, and just generally causing the kind of mess and ruckus the Gardners could be doing without.

Things take a sinister turn early on, but it isn’t until the colour infects the family themselves that things really shift into unforgiveable territory. Nathan’s wife Theresa (Joely Richardson) and their youngest Jack (Julian Hilliard) are struck by a bolt of the colour, which fuses them so they are stuck to each other. Locked in the attack and trapped in each other’s person, mother and son are left to deform and transform, becoming a pulsating, many-legged thing that Nathan has to put out of its misery. There's nothing like some quality family bonding! 


The definitive word sculptor, editor and trend-setter. Slayer of gnomes and trolls.