10 Weirdest Super Magic Nazi Zombies In Cinema

6. Nazi Super Soldiers Rocking Alien Tech!

There€™s a lot to recommend 2011€™s Captain America: The First Avenger, far over and above its inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the way the story sets up the Avengers tentpole movie. A lot of it is Chris Evans, the unsung MVP of the Avengers franchise, completely bringing a goody-two-shoes character to life, and there are large helpings of awesome involved in the old school World War II setting and RKO serial vibes, bringing the film into line with The Rocketeer and the two good Indiana Jones movies. But the rest of it belongs to Hugo Weaving€™s peerless Red Skull, the good Captain€™s nemesis from the comics. A Nazi who doesn€™t even get along with other Nazis, Johann Schmidt takes an imperfect version of the super soldier serum, making him look like his mum cheated on his dad with a lobster. Scuttlebutt (like gossip hepped up on goofballs) says that the reason there€™s so much green screen in The First Avenger is that Weaving chewed up all the scenery. He€™s absolutely brilliant as the man who created the first version of HYDRA, overseeing the invention of a shedload of wunderwaffe that becomes powered by the Tesseract so that it actually works. We€™re all hoping that he gets to come back for a sequel at some point.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.