10 What If? MCU Scenarios Marvel Should Explore

8. What If Steve Rogers Had Refused To Give Up Being Captain America? (Volume 2, Issue #3)

Punisher Captain America
Marvel Comics

Proving that patriotism can be a paradox at times, in order to uphold his responsibilities to his country, What If? #3 sees Captain America fight the majority of said country in order to keep his status as the superhero. With this being close to, but not the same as, the plot of Civil War, it plays into the most interesting aspect of Captain America; how his loyalty to his country overrides his loyalty to the state.

While in the end that status quo is restored - with Captain America pardoned and reinstated as the official holder of the title - the brief period of time that Cap is pitted against all his teammates and closest friends makes for unironically heartbreaking viewing.

This is arguably the strongest reason this issue should be remade for the show, as there's sure to not be a dry eye amongst viewers as America's hero bids them all farewell not knowing if he'll ever get to see them again as friends. Don't worry, Cap - it's not you, it's them.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.