10 Wild Predictions About X-Men: Days Of Future Past
5. Days Of Future Past Is Setting Up The Age Of Apocalypse As The Ultimate Goal
Preventing the Sentinel ravaged future of Days of Future Past is the ultimate goal of the story's romp through time. However, with so much time traveling going on, more than the Future is going to be changed. Professor X and Magneto will be engaging and apparently recruiting past versions of themselves. The future (or is that the present?) is ultimately and paradoxically going to be changed just by the very nature of the events in the film. Since the battle will ultimately decide who is the fittest to survive-humans or mutants, the future or the past, the heroes or the villains- one can only assume the mutant Apocalypse can't be far behind. In fact, sufficient evidence for this is in the announcement that 2016 will offer an X-Men movie featuring the mutant once known as En Saba Nur. However, the question remains: how will the past and future be changed to bring about the Age of Apocalypse? First of all, our heroes would have to go to the past and try to stop Sentinels from being developed by assassinating the man behind the program. As for the rest...
Brandon grew from the awkwardness of his youth into the awkwardness of his adulthood. He is the author of the Eat Your Serial Press title "Ten Years Gone: Pomp and Circumstance" and is a contributor on Maglomaniac, Polite on Society, and What Culture.