10 Wildly Underrated Action Movies Of The 90s

2. Point Break

Last Action Hero
20th Century Fox

Before we move any further in this example, let us all bow our heads and offer Kathryn Bigelow our most sincere gratitude for giving us this gem of a movie before deciding to move onto more "serious" fare. Sure, The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty may have won all the awards, but it was Point Break that won our hearts.

Though Keanu Reeves' performance as football star-turned-police officer-turned surfer poser Johnny Utah did little to legitimize his movie career, his tumultuous onscreen bromance with Patrick Swayze endeared him to every action movie buff craving a little spiritualism and soul to go with their shootouts and fisticuffs.

Part buddy cop comedy, part existential surfer flick, all adrenaline porn, Point Break was initially met with a lukewarm reception. Even now, it's mostly embraced ironically, because no one knows if they're supposed to take all the bro-mantic, macho mysticism stuff seriously or not.

But that's kind of missing the point. Point Break is a big, dumb action movie. But it's a beautifully shot, expertly-paced, and surprisingly deep one, too. If you can't at least get onboard with the skydiving sequences, you're just trying not to like this movie.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.