10 Woefully Troubled Film Shoots That Derailed Major Movies

5. Waterworld Almost Killed Kevin Costner

Waterworld€™s original estimated cost of $100 million was already the biggest ever Hollywood budget at the time. But by the time it€™s production woes had taken their toll, the Kevin Costner movie ended up costing $175 million. So, what went wrong? Well, the logistics of the production certainly didn€™t help. According to Costner, the amount of ferrying needed to get cast and extras from the basecamp onto the floating atoll where shooting took place was €œcrazy.€ This, presumably, began to eat up cash as shooting dragged on. Additionally, the film€™s female lead Jeanne Tripplehorn and young actress Tina Majorina were both aboard a sailboat that snapped in half, and divers were sent in to rescue them. Costner also had a close call himself, tied to a mast for an important shot when a big storm rolled in. €œI nearly died,€ he commented. The script also needed tweaking, so Joss Whedon was flown in. He later described his time on set as €œseven weeks of hell.€ He was being told what to write by Costner and by the studio executives, leading Whedon to dub himself the €œworld€™s highest-paid stenographer€ rather than an actual writer. The film eventually made back its money worldwide, but received one hell of a lashing from the critics.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.