10 Woefully Troubled Film Shoots That Derailed Major Movies

4. World War Z's Script Was A Total Mess

Initially, the World War Z film was hotly anticipated by the fervent fans of Max Brooks€™ novel, which provided the source material for the movie. However, that anticipation turned to fear when things started to go seriously wrong for Brad Pitt€™s undead-themed war action picture. The film was pushed from its original December 2012 release date to a summer 2013 slot, with Damon Lindelof and Drew Goddard hired to rewrite the third act to the movie. €œIt need months of work, not days,€ an insider source revealed to Vulture. Their rewrite scaled back the final third of the film, bringing Pitt's character to a small facility that contrasted hugely with the set pieces that preceded it. More budget was allocated to shoot this new ending, and when a reshoot was finally scheduled a studio executive had to be present to intermediate between Brad Pitt and director Marc Foster, who were no longer on good terms or talking to each other. In this case, though, the significant derailing paid off. The film scored over $500 million at the global box office and received a decent ratio of positive reviews to negative ones. They€™re still talking about whether to risk making a sequel, which could shoot later this year.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.