10 Wonderfully Insane Movie Characters

8. Annie Wilkes


"And don't even think about anybody coming for you. Not the doctors, not your agent, not your family. 'Cause I never called them. Nobody knows you're here. You better hope nothing happens to me. Because if I die... you die." There's a reason why Misery is one of the greatest movies of all time - it's not just because of how simple the story is, but also because of what a great villain Annie Wilkes is. Her sudden mood swings and the extremes she would go to in order to get what she wants would be just enough to see her as a very threatening character, but also how manipulative she is, how cruel, and how unexpected it is to see someone like her becoming such a monster are some of the reasons why she's on this list. That Paul Sheldon had to go through a horrifying experience as a prisoner in the Wilkes' house was the main reason why his life was changed completely after the event. Despite how clever he was, Annie seemed to be one step ahead of him, especially when both realized that this was a life or death situation. Annie Wilkes will always remain as one of the most despicable and twisted characters to ever appear on a film.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.