10 Worlds Of DC Films That Need To Be Made

7. Batman Beyond

Batman Under The Red Hood Thumbnail
Warner Bros.

As mentioned before, the rebranding to 'Worlds of DC' allows the shared universe to become a shared multiverse. This means that Booster Gold's future is not the only one we may see, as it would be a very smart decision to take a trip to the home of Terry McGinnis.

This version of Batman originated from the Batman Beyond TV show released in 1999, and saw a young high schooler take up the mantle of the Caped Crusader from an aged, 70-year-old Bruce Wayne no longer fit to fight crime.

Given the older nature of Batfleck, an injection of young fresh talent into the role of Batman would be great, and the potential world building of a dark futuristic Gotham is a tantalising thought. This would be an excellent role for someone like Ansel Elgort to step into.

While the role of an aged Bruce Wayne cannot be reprised by a former batman (Michael Keaton is too young, and Adam West has sadly passed away) there are plenty of older actors who could bring something new to the role.


I'm an English Student at The University of Surrey, and will be writing a lot about Films, Music, Comics and pretty much everything on the site. Opinions are subjective so everybody is right, but some people are just more right than others.