10 Worst Big Money Trilogies Of All Time

3. The Chronicles Of Narnia

Total Box Office: $1.6 billion Riding the coat-tails of fellow fantasy franchise Harry Potter, the Chronicles of Narnia€™s first instalment The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe hit the screens in 2005 to largely favourable reviews praising its special effects and family-friendly tone and brought in an impressive $745 million on its $180 million budget. Upping the ante for round two, Prince Caspian boasted a budget of $225 million but still flopped earning over $300 million less than the trilogy€™s first outing. Michael Apted was brought on as director for The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader but fresh blood couldn€™t save the franchise and the film fared about as well as Prince Caspian at the box office, though on a slightly more modest budget. You€™d think given the performance of the last two films that the folk behind Chronicles of Narnia would know when to quit, but like so many other trilogies on this list they€™re milking the franchise for all its worth and its fourth film, The Silver Chair, is currently in pre-production.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.