10 Worst Big Money Trilogies Of All Time

4. Rush Hour

Total Box Office: $849.7 million With Brett Ratner at the helm of the buddy cop comedy, it was practically written in stone that the Rush Hour franchise would eventually flounder. Let€™s give him his dues though: the first instalment, though typically formulaic, did prove a huge box office smash and on a pretty small budget of $33 million. Rush Hour 2 managed to surpass its forerunner€™s box office success despite largely being a 97 minute long gag focused on the culture clash between Chris Rock and Jackie Chan€™s characters, but Ratner€™s cash cow third film proved there was no life left in the franchise with a wholly unfunny offering that€™s regularly denounced as one of the worst threequels in cinema history. Seemingly content to continue flogging his dead horse, Ratner has spoken of his interest in filming a fourth Rush Hour movie though whether Jackie Chan €“ who once said the Rush Hour films were his least favourite €“ will be involved remains to be seen.

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