10 Worst CGI Moments From 2022 Movies

3. Matt Smith's Snapchat Filter Vampire Face - Morbius

Morbius Matt Smith

Oh, Morbius. Such a rancid slice of "cinema" and yet such a fun trash-fire of a film to laugh at.

In the very least, Matt Smith knew precisely the sort of schlock-fest he was starring in and provided some periodic relief with his shamelessly campy performance as villain Milo aka Lucien.

It's just as well, because given the totally risible VFX applied to his face whenever he transforms into his vampiric alter-ego, it's absolutely impossible to take him seriously as a genuine threat.

Numerous times throughout the film, we see Smith snarl as his face contorts into the countenance of a monstrous vampire creature, but the end result looks scarcely better than a free filter effect you'll find on apps like Chapchat and Facetime.

Even accepting that Morbius was a mid-budget superhero movie made for only around $80 million, the filmmakers desperately needed to pour some more of their coffers into transformation effects which didn't look so comical in their shoddiness.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.