10 Worst CGI Moments In Star Wars
7. Yoda Vs. Dooku - Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones
The prequel trilogy made excessive over-use of CGI in many areas, but its digital recreation of Yoda absolutely wasn't one of them.
You need only compare The Phantom Menace's original 1999 puppet version of Yoda with the 2011 CGI revision to see the benefits of the digital iteration, allowing a far greater spectrum of expressiveness. It is, without question, one of Lucas' few canny post-release changes.
But even CGI Yoda has his limitations, as was made painfully clear in Attack of the Clones, when the little green guy takes up arms to do battle with Count Dooku (Christopher Lee).
Bless Lee, who at the age of 78 partook in a lightsaber fight against an invisible enemy, shot against a largely blue-screen backdrop to be keyed in later.
Yet the real issue with this scene is the laughably animated Yoda, who flips around with no sense of weight or impact whatsoever.
As such, the audience loses their tangible connection to him as a character, and for the duration of this fight he basically becomes a lifeless prop forced into motion through soulless keyframe animation.