10 Worst Comic Book Movies Of All Time

4. Catwoman (2004)

It's quite telling that, despite this film having Halle Berry prancing around in tight leather, Catwoman is still number four on a list of the worst comic book adaptations of all time. The warning signs went off the second a visual effects supervisor named Pitof was handed the directing reins, resulting in him eventually being awarded a Worst Director Razzie, while Halle Berry herself won a Worst Actress Razzie, even being a good enough sport to turn up at the awards ceremony and declare "I want to thank Warner Bros. for casting me in this piece-of-shit, god-awful movie". There's so much wrong with this film, from changing Catwoman's name to Patience Phillips - rather than Selina Kyle - to the milk-based gags, and most of all, a sickeningly banal plot about Sharon Stone's illicit cosmetics company that is barely enough to even keep audiences conscious throughout. Poor CGI - as well as an overuse of it in general - also hampers the fun; Catwoman dives all over the place during this film, but it's a blurry, unconvincing mess that resembles a particularly shitty PlayStation game from the mid-90s that was aborted at the last minute out of embarrassment. Berry, who had won an Oscar for Monster's Ball not long before, has never really recovered career-wise, and is now stuck making unassuming straight-to-video thrillers like the recent Dark Tide.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.