10 Worst Comic Book Movies Of All Time

2. Captain America (1990)

The rather-good take on Captain America released last year looks even better when compared to the effort made over 20 years ago to bring him to the big screen, starring J.D. Salinger's son Matt of all people, but in effect relegating him to the same obscurity that his own father enjoyed in his later years. A small plus about this film is that it's so shitty it didn't even secure a sizeable theatrical release in the U.S., owing to the overall shoddiness of its conception, with awful acting (namely from Salinger) and direction, and a narrative that shoehorns in as many political sentiments as is humanly possible inside of a blockbuster superhero pic. Though the budget was slashed severely right before production, no amount of money would aid a director to make sense of this garbage, let alone Albert Pyun, a hack-for-hire who has frequently been compared with the likes of Ed Wood. Boom mics frequently fall into shot here, and it's painfully obvious after just a few minutes that Cap's shield is made of flimsy plastic. Nobody involved with this mess survived to do anything of worth afterwards, and rightly so.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.