10 Worst Decisions Hollywood Has Made In 2016 (So Far)

Assassin's Creed just got 65% less awesome.

Assassin's Creed 35%
20th Century Fox

There's a lot to love about the grand dream factory that is Hollywood, but also never forget that, first and foremost, it's a business rather than somewhere that great art can flourish.

As such, decisions motivated by money take precedent, resulting in some of the most cynical projects imaginable being thrust upon audiences, all while films with actual artistic merit get pushed to the wayside.

This list isn't just studios making cash-grabs, though: there's also genuinely baffling behaviour from the film community at large, and possibly final, certifiable proof that James Cameron has actually lost his mind.

Some of these choices may pan out well in the long run, but the odds certainly aren't in their favour, while others have already sealed their own fates as calamitous business decisions forever more.

Here are the ten worst decisions Hollywood has made in 2016 (so far)...

10. Editing Batman V Superman Into An Illogical Mess

Assassin's Creed 35%
Warner Bros

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice released in March to shockingly scathing reviews, casual critics and fanboys alike tearing the film apart for its lack of coherence and generally underwhelming nature.

The 151-minute version released theatrically deserves most of that scorn, yet the Ultimate Cut released at the end of June is a vast improvement, fixing a number of the film's logic issues and basically answering a lot of the nagging questions viewers had.

Because Warner Bros. were nervous about releasing a 3-hour superhero movie, they forced Zack Snyder to harshly edit the film down, resulting in the incredibly rough theatrical version. Had they just let Snyder's vision hit cinemas, the critical reception would no doubt be improved, and it's possible that the film would've crossed the $1 billion mark without such vitriolic word of mouth.

Hopefully Warner will learn from this for Justice League.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.