10 Worst Decisions Hollywood Has Made In 2016 (So Far)

5. Releasing Hail, Caesar! On Super Bowl Weekend

Assassin's Creed 35%
Universal Pictures

Despite solid reviews and an all-star cast, the Coen Brothers' latest effort failed to connect with audiences, resulting in their lowest-ever box office debut for a film opening in wide release.

It did ultimately end up making a profit, nearly tripling its $22 million budget, but for directors as renowned as the Coens, it's a pretty abysmal performance for a film not on limited release.

Though the general audience scores for the film were mixed-to-negative, the main reason for the film not doing more business was probably it going up against the Super Bowl, which for many is a weekend-long event and, considering its prevalence, annihilated much of the film's U.S. box office potential.

It's also telling that the two other big movies released that weekend, Pride And Prejudice And Zombies and The Choice, both underperformed substantially also.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.