10 Worst Ever MCU Post-Credit Scenes

5. Spider-Man's New Gadget - Captain America: Civil War

Spider-Man: Homecoming
Marvel Studios

Coming off the back of Age of Ultron, Captain America: Civil War kicked off Phase Three in 2016. A far greater film in just about every aspect, this is one of the franchise’s biggest movies outside of the Avengers franchise. However, it still wasn’t safe from an underwhelming post-credit scene.

There were two new characters introduced in Civil War in the form of Black Panther and Spider-Man, with both being the subject of their own scene through the credits.

While Black Panther’s showed Bucky going back on ice, and teased the reclusive and unique nation of Wakanda, Spider-Man’s was rather more pointless. Peter tried to explain away his black eye to Aunt May, and played around with a Stark tech gadget he had been given by his new father figure.

Seemingly this was Marvel Studios’ way of saying that Spidey would return, but did anyone actually think one of the biggest characters in Marvel Comics history would go one and done in the MCU? Surely this could have been made better by teasing something, anything that would come up in Homecoming?


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.