10 Worst Film Remakes Since 2000

7. Friday The 13th

Friday The 13th 2009
New Line Cinema

Made without its tongue in its cheek, this remake isnt aiming for post-modernism or nostalgia, its just another soulless product that wants to take your money. Slouching from one overly familiar set piece to the next without irony, the film seems to have been assembled from tried and tested ideas by marketers.

There are characters who tell the story of Jason Voorhees around the campfire, a bunch of creepy locals (including a yee-haw redneck straight out of central casting) plus an incompetent Sheriff who doesnt believe that the disappearances are the work of a maniac in a hockey mask (what is this, Scooby Doo?), but what really grates are the groaning attempts at humour.

Comic relief is provided by a stock stoner character who talks to his bong in a funny voice and performs some pratfalls that end up with furniture being broken. This necessitates a trip to the woodshed, and you know what that means. Yes, the token ethnic guy wanders off alone, in the dark, to his doom. Its like Scream never happened.

In this post: 
Total Recall
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'