10 Worst Film Remakes Since 2000

6. The Invasion

The Invasion Kidman Craig
Warner Bros.

If ever an era needed a remake of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers it was the corporate-owned 2000s and Oliver Hirschbiegel (Downfall) was just the filmmaker to pull it off. He envisioned a subtle and atmospheric movie shot in claustrophobic spaces that utilized virtually no special effects, but Warner Bros had other ideas.

When the studio balked at Hirschbiegels first cut, producer Joel Silver brought in the Wachowskis to add more action and their contribution mustve been substantial judging by the $10 million spent on reshoots. In the final version, the movie flirts with paranoia and chase scenes, but isnt particularly accomplished at either.

Neither a very good sci-fi movie nor a very good thriller, the movie groans along for 99 minutes and not even Daniel Craig can save it. The human drama is flat, the action lacks spark and the ending is the limpest of any of the Body Snatchers movies. Wheres Donald Sutherland when you need him?

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Total Recall
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'