10 Worst Horror Movie Villains To Be Killed By

9. Jigsaw - Saw

Alien Kane Death

There's a unique terror to being a victim of Jigsaw (Tobin Bell), because he's not an instinct-driven monster nor is he a masked slasher who'll polish you off in two seconds flat - he's gone to enormous lengths to ensure you know what's about to happen to you and why.

While most of the individuals Jiggy places in his unnervingly creative traps aren't exactly the most savoury of characters, are they worthy of death? In most instances surely not.

More to the point, while Jigsaw indignantly claims he never kills anyone, instead giving people a "choice" to live or die, make no mistake, the man is 100% a serial killer, modus operandi be damned.

For starters, the majority of Jiggy's traps are blatantly unfair in one way or another. 

Above all else, you're groggy from waking up and given all of a hot minute to take in a huge swath of life-or-death information, ensuring the odds are stacked wildly against you despite what Jigsaw himself might say.

As a result, you're all but guaranteed a horrendously painful death, a reality which only became more inevitable as the series progressed and Jigsaw's successors started rigging the games to further diminish their participants' chance of survival. What a horrible way to go.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.