10 Worst Horror Movie Villains To Be Killed By

8. The Octalus - Deep Rising

Alien Kane Death
Buena Vista Pictures

Because Jean Jacket ain't the only person-digesting game in town, we have The Octalus from cult classic horror Deep Rising - a gigantic seafaring squid with a unique method of snacking on its victims.

Once the Otaclus picks you up and shoves you down its throat, you won't merely be gnashed to death - the monster drinks its victims alive, sucking all the fluids out of their body before spitting out the skeletal remnants. 

So, you're left alive and aware of what's happening to you for as long as your brain and other organs can withstand being sapped of all your precious fluids.

And as the film makes nauseatingly clear, even if you're able to escape the Octalus' guts, the damage has probably already been done. 

When Billy (Clint Curtis) is freed from the Octalus after the heroes shoot at it, he's revealed to be a half-consumed mess of sizzling flesh and exposed bone, ensuring he drops dead mere moments later.

On second thought, Jean Jacket doesn't sound quite so bad.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.