10 Worst Horror Movie Villains To Be Killed By

3. The Entity - Smile

Alien Kane Death
Paramount Pictures

The Entity from Smile is a demon which feeds on trauma, tormenting its victim until it's able to possess their body and force them to kill themselves. 

But here's the key - the Entity needs another person to witness the death, traumatising the witness and allowing them to become its next victim as the cycle repeats itself.

The Entity typically affords a horrifically brutal demise to its victims, and the period leading up to their death is one of intense psychological torture, all while those in the victim's midst are unlikely to believe they're being terrorised by a supernatural force.

Even the means of escaping the Entity is rough - you either need to isolate yourself from humanity, enough that nobody else can ever witness your potential death, or alternatively kill somebody in the presence of another person, traumatising them and passing the curse on.

But this will almost certainly result in a prison sentence, so it's not a particularly appealing option to most.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.