10 Worst Horror Movie Villains To Be Killed By

2. Xenomorph - Alien

Alien Kane Death
20th Century Fox

Let's be real here - having a hole punched through your head by a fully-grown adult Xenomorph is a sweet mercy compared to the alternative of meeting it earlier in its life cycle.

Ridley Scott's original Alien provides a note-perfect introduction to the Xenomorph, which of course pulverises its way out of poor Kane's (John Hurt) chest after being implanted inside him by a Facehugger.

While many of a baby Xeno's victims aren't aware of what's happening to them until go-time, the trauma of having an embryo forcibly shoved down your throat speaks for itself, let alone the horror of having your chest torn open when it hatches.

But if you're unlucky enough to know precisely what's coming, like Alien Resurrection's ill-fated Purvis (Leland Orser), then all you can do is wait for the inevitable.

No matter how you slice it, being impregnated with an alien parasite that's born by tearing your body apart is one of the worst deaths ever dreamt up by a human.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.