10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023

1. Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey

All Fun and Games
Altitude Film Distribution

Was anything else ever going to be #1? No matter how bad the other horror movies on this list were, they didn't drip with quite so much uncut cynicism as Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.

Because Winnie the Pooh entered the public domain in 2022, filmmaker Rhys Frake-Waterfield opted to turn Pooh and Piglet into a duo of slasher film villains, the result of which is this aggressively unimaginative effort.

Were it not for the meme-worthy presence of seeing A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard's beloved creations brought to murderous life, this would be a garden variety micro-budget slasher flick with virtually nothing to distinguish itself.

Everything about this movie screams "bare minimum effort," from the cheapo Pooh and Piglet masks to the howlingly awful CGI gore, and the baffling lack of fun it has with its own daft premise.

Yet despite the rightful critical evisceration it received, Blood and Honey grossed over $5 million against a mere $100,000 budget, ensuring that both a sequel and a universe of horror films centered around Bambi, Peter Pan, and others are also in the works.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.