10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023

9. We Have A Ghost

All Fun and Games

It's clear that filmmaker Christopher Landon - who, incidentally, is directing the imperiled Scream 7 - wanted We Have a Ghost to evoke Beetlejuice vibes throughout, yet this bland Netflix Original ultimately settles for being merely excruciating.

This toothless, charmless family-friendly horror-comedy boldly - and ultimately, foolishly - casts David Harbour in the role of a mute ghost, leaving the script to be filled up with woeful Very Online dialogue and exhausting amounts of exposition.

At a brutal 127 minutes in length, this thing is at least a full half-hour too long, overstuffed with subplots and characters (looking at you, Tig Notaro) which ensure what should've been a breezy, seat-of-the-pants romp is instead a cumbersome, soporific bore.

When folks use "Netflix Original" as a negative, this forgettable nothingburger serving of genre slop is precisely what they're talking about.

That $51 million budget could've been so much better spent by giving $10 million to five talented on-the-rise horror filmmakers instead. Or, you know, tried-and-tested directors like Ti West or Leigh Whannell.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.