10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023

8. Insidious: The Red Door

All Fun and Games
Sony Pictures Releasing

The Insidious franchise has felt tired and sluggish for a good while now, but the recent fifth entry was absolutely the worst of the lot, even as its massive commercial success proved just how bulletproof horror truly is at the box office.

Neat though it was to see franchise star Patrick Wilson taking the directing reins for the first time, a script from Scott "Halloween Kills" Teems gave him desperately little to work with, ensuring that Insidious: The Red Door was another stamina-draining, dull, uninteresting jump-scare-fest.

Everything here just feels like moldy off-cuts from the series' better entries, ensuring that it lacks either the horror or the human touch that made the original film so compelling.

The Red Door is a film that eagerly wants and expects the audience to be emotionally invested in its characters, and yet, this franchise has become so lacking in personality that it's incredibly difficult to give even a single damn at this point. If the solid production values and decent performances prevent it from being a total trainwreck, it's still lousily unimaginative genre fare through and through.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.