10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2023

6. All Fun & Games

All Fun and Games
Vertical Entertainment

All Fun and Games certainly boasts an amusingly unhinged premise - a cursed knife unleashes a demonic force which terrorises a group of Salem teens by forcing them to play messed-up versions of childhood games - but as ever, it's all about the execution.

Even with solid lead performances from the appealing Asa Butterfield and Natalia Dyer, this feels less like a knowingly campy genre effort than a generic slasher desperately trying to present itself as something different and more interesting.

Simply, All Fun and Games isn't nearly as devilishly entertaining as its title might imply, and even with an impressively scant runtime of just 76 minutes, this thing still feels overstuffed with tedious backstory rather than just focusing on the gnarly meat of the matter.

Had filmmakers Ari Costa and Eren Celeboglu gotten more creative with the actual games part of the setup, this could've been a sick, shaggy dog of a horror movie, rather than a painfully flaccid and unremarkable one.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.