10 Worst Jedi Masters In Star Wars

8. Oppo Rancisis

star wars pong krell

What a look!

Taking up a spot on the Jedi High Council during the Prequel era, the white-haired, snake-like being known as Master Oppo Rancisis could routinely be found perched on a comfy seat throughout the Clone Wars... and doing very little else, in all honesty.

Now, that's a bit unfair.

Rancisis was actually said to have been extremely developed in the ways of the Force, even preferring his Force abilities to his lightsaber when in combat. He was even classed as one of the wisest members on the High Council, also serving as a top strategist and military advisor during the Clone Wars.

So, it's just a shame that fans were never really given a chance to see this distinct alien Force-wielder really strut his stuff at any point on the big or small screen in the time during Episodes I-III; or even in the years after somehow surviving the Great Jedi Purge.

Again, the Thisspiasian was seemingly highly regarded by the Jedi at the height of their existence. But it's still hard to argue against him being one of the least impactful or memorable masters on the Council, and it's likely Vader and co. simply forgot he even existed in the wake of Order 66.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...