10 Worst Jedi Masters In Star Wars

7. Luke Skywalker

star wars pong krell

Look, Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Padawan/Knight was unquestionably one of the key factors in the toppling of The Empire. But as a Jedi Master? Nobody's perfect, right?

Proving himself once again to be one of the most influential Force-users of all time, for better and for worse, Skywalker's building of a new Jedi Academy ultimately set the stage for an event that would have a catastrophic impact on the rest of the galaxy.

Sensing his padawan Ben Solo was having his heart turned to the Dark Side by Snoke, a brief loss of control led to Luke brandishing his lightsaber in an attempt to stop this evil in its tracks. The urge to cut down his nephew passed as quickly as it arrived in the end, but the damage was already done.

Young Solo spotted his master standing over him with his lightsaber raised, and Luke's inability to sense the Ben could still be brought back to the Light resulted in Han Solo and Leia Organa's child instinctively defending himself before destroying the temple and killing many of Skywalker's other apprentices.

Just like that, Luke almost single-handedly unleashed Kylo Ren on the galaxy; a move that would set the deaths of Han Solo and countless others in motion.

Thankfully, Luke was able to redeem himself somewhat by the end of the Sequels. But not before making a few galaxy-changing mistakes along the way.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...