10 Worst Moments Of CGI In Jurassic World

1. Whatever Those Raptor-Headed Flying Things Were

The only genetically-spliced dinosaur that's actually seen on screen in Jurassic World is the formidable Indominus Rex, but it's hinted throughout by Vincent D'Onofrio's character that InGen have got some more biological abomination irons in that fire. They even get a look at one on a computer screen in the labs, which thankfully never comes to life. So then what's the explanation for those pterosaurs that are unleashed when the guy from Slumdog Millionaire crashes his helicopter into their bio-dome, freeing them all? No, not the regular, pointy-nosed ones. They're fine. The ones that look like the CGI animators had had enough and just grafted a raptor head onto the other flying one's bodies? Apparently that's a Dimorphodon, and it looks about as much like palaeontologists' best guesses as the rest of the Jurassic World dinosaur. This one is particularly egregious, though, because every time you get a glimpse at one it looks really bloody stupid, and absolutely takes you out of the fraught action sequences they're a part of. They look less like a Dimorphodon, and more like a bored kids has swapped the heads of a couple of his dinosaur toys around, with one being far too comically large for its new body...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/