10 Worst Moments Of CGI In Jurassic World

2. The Unnecessarily Violent Death Of Her Out Of Merlin

Merlin's Katie McGrath doesn't get to do a whole lot as Zara Young, the hapless personal assistant of Bryce Dallas Howard's character who singularly fails in her simple task of keeping the boss's nephews within her line of sight. Mostly she's just very British and always on the phone, looking glamorous in the way British PAs tend to on screen. Turns out all of that was just buying time until she could be offed in possibly the most unnecessarily drawn-out death scene in a Jurassic Park film (which is saying a lot, considering Dennis Nedry's depraved Dilophosaurus demise). Seriously, this is like Saw-levels of torture. You wanna cry, €œStop! Stop, she's already dead.€ Along with being a mite cruel, Zara's death is devoid of any actual tragedy or terror because she's thrown around like a rag doll. Literally, like the rag doll physics used in video games, with CGI of a similar quality. The Pterosaurs juggle her without their being any sense of weight or impact as she goes through on fatal trauma to another.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/