10 Worst Moments Of CGI In Jurassic World

8. When That Guard Got Eaten By The Indominus

The first death in a Jurassic Park film is important. It needs to set the tone for the prehistoric blood-letting that will make up the T-Rex's share of the running time, without giving too much away. Jurassic World changed things up by not only being the first film in the series to not open with a death scene, but to use it as an opportunity to reveal all. It's almost always a complete innocent who cops it first as well, from the Jurassic Park worker trying to shift a raptor into its cage in the first film to that nosy posh kid happened upon by a pack of Compsognathus at the start of The Lost World. In Jurassic World its that somewhat rotund guard who wasn't paying attention to the Indominus paddock. Thanks to the only entry to a highly dangerous genetically modified dinosaur's pen is a huge door it can escape from, mayhem ensues! And despite hiding behind a car, that guard is dino-chow. Except the Indominus swallowing him in one gulp isn't particularly scary, more comical. It looks like the wooden shark swallowing Hook at the end of that film.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/