10 Worst Motives In Slasher Horror Movies

1. To Protect His Girlfriend... Who Wasn't In Danger - Sorority Row

Scream 2022 Richie Poster
Summit Entertainment

In Sorority Row, a killer begins offing a group of sorority sisters eight months after one of their own, Megan (Audrina Patridge), is accidentally killed in a prank gone wrong.

If you assumed the killer would end up being someone related to Megan or perhaps even a still-alive Megan herself, think again.

The killer ends up being Andy (Julian Morris), the boyfriend of protagonist Cassidy (Briana Evigan), who attempts to murder everyone who knows about Megan's death - except Cassidy, of course - in an attempt to ensure his and Cassidy's future isn't jeopardised. Yup.

Self-preservation isn't an inherently bad motive, but considering that there wasn't really anybody pointing a finger at Cassidy for Megan's death so long after the fact, it seems awfully pre-emptive to just start killing everyone party to the big secret anyway.

It's weak sauce as motives go, ensuring this was yet another slasher remake which largely fell on its face.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.