10 Worst Motives In Slasher Horror Movies

4. Hating Stab 8 - Scream (2022)

Scream 2022 Richie Poster
Paramount Pictures

The Scream franchise has had its fair share of amusingly twisted motives, from mommy issues to good-old fashioned revenge to simple peer pressure. 

The fifth movie decided to get a little cute, though, by turning its focus towards toxic fans, with killers Richie (Jack Quaid) and Amber (Mikey Madison) embarking on their murderous spree in an attempt to course-correct the Stab franchise.

The Stab movies are of course based on the Ghostface killings within the Scream series itself, though Stab's polarising recent sequels - namely the wildly divisive Stab 8 - created a cult of hateful fans online.

And so, Richie and Amber decided to make their own real-life "requel" - introducing new protagonist Sam (Melissa Barrera) while bringing the legacy cast back - in the hope that it'd generate source material for a better new Stab film.

Though clearly intended as a stab at mocking those who made hating Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi their entire personality - enough that Stab 8 is even directed by The Last Jedi's Rian Johnson - this got a little too silly even for Scream's standards.

Making fun of fans who care way too much is all well and good, but this got cartoonish enough that it made Roman's whole "long lost half-brother" shtick in Scream 3 seem positively grounded.

If the series has proven anything over the years, it's that the killers with more personal, visceral motives tend to be the most satisfying ones.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.