10 Worst Motives In Slasher Horror Movies

3. Avenging Their Son's COVID Death - Sick

Scream 2022 Richie Poster

John Hyams' pandemic-set slasher film Sick follows two pals, Parker (Gideon Adlon) and Miri (Beth Million), as they quarantine at a family lake house, where they're stalked by a masked killer.

The culprits are eventually revealed to be a couple, Pamela (Jane Adams) and Jason (Marc Menchaca), who have been targeting Parker because she infected their son Benji (Logan Murphy) with COVID, as later caused his death.

While the attempt to offer a timely spin on typical revenge motives is laudable, this is one of those reveals that just strains the story's plausibility to snapping point. 

Namely, how would the parents be able to plausibly ascertain that, in a period where COVID is rampant, Parker was the person wholly responsible for their son's death?

As such, despite the film being a white-knuckle thrill ride for the most part, it ends up falling a little flat in the final stretch with a villain reveal which leaves audiences questioning the logic rather than simply enjoying the unhinged mayhem.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.