10 Worst Movie Characters Of 2020 (So Far)

6. Brahms - Brahms: The Boy II

The Wrong Missy Lauren Lapkus
STX Entertainment

The Boy II is one of the most baffling horror sequels in recent years - perhaps ever - primarily because it so aggressively ret-cons what happened in the first film.

The Boy made audiences believe that the creepy porcelain doll Brahms was possessed by the spirit of the real Brahms who died in a fire 20 years earlier, only to reveal at the end that, in fact, Brahms survived the fire and has spent the last two decades living in the walls. Right.

Anyway, the film ends with Brahms surviving, only for The Boy II to effectively reboot the title character with no explanation whatsoever. In the sequel, Brahms is indeed a possessed doll, while the actual human Brahms is bafflingly nowhere to be seen.

To make matters even more outrageous, the doll's face gets smashed to pieces in the third act, and yet despite being hollow in the first film, there's now a demonic, decomposing little doll corpse underneath the porcelain facade. Yup.

The Boy II is a completely terrible movie any way you slice it, but for those few who actually enjoyed the original, this pointless antagonist retcon was a pure slap in the face.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.