10 Worst Movie Reboots Of The 2010s

9. The Cop Who Can't Be Stopped - RoboCop (2014)

Jason Momoa Conan The Barbarian
Columbia Pictures

The original film was a small budget juggernaut, taking everyone by surprise and making a lasting impression on the market. Twenty-seven years after the original, the cop who can’t be stopped returned, just without the blood and gore of the original.

The original film saw Alex Murphy get annihilated by shotgun bullets in a jaw-dropping scene of visual effects and violence. The new film saw the same character suffer a more mundane car-bomb explosion. While they both sound action-packed, the former definitely left a greater impression on viewers.

In short, the films went for different audiences, the new film appealing to younger viewers and not just adults, but this achieved mixed results. At least viewers saw more of how the RoboCop suit worked in the latest film because that’s what people wanted right?

It's safe to say, after an unsuccessful financial return, the planned sequels have been cancelled.


Whether its Nic Cage films or any game that's easy to pick up it's my kind of entertainment.